Who Is Deseret Tavares?
She assures that since she was very little she has extrasensory powers and she saw everything very normal. She has never been afraid to face her powers, on the contrary, she began to study and deepen the subject, yes, never taking her eyes off the only mission that drives her to be a better person on a daily basis, that of helping to change the world. She has studied in China, India, Peru, Brazil, Thailand, the United States and Colombia. She explored mystical cultures around the world such as Umbanda and high level Magic in Brazil, she visited monasteries in India and lived with shamans in Colombia. After her studies and explorations, in 2006 she opened The Mystic Altar, her esoteric store located in Westwood, California, where she receives visits from different parts of the world. sincere, direct and with a decisive personality is what leads Deseret to conquer the hearts of millions of followers worldwide. We can say that her career as a clairvoyant is at its peak, even though she still has a long way to go and people to help. Every day she strives to reach her thousands of followers through her official accounts on social networks. Your sense of belonging and respect for your
Profession and the paranormal theme have allowed her to develop a unique sensitivity and energetic connection, positioning her as one of the most sought-after and named psychics in Latin America and the United States,
Workshops & live events
03/15/2025 3:30 pm
¿Sientes que estás siendo atacado por energías negativas, magia o malas intenciones? Es hora de tomar el control y protegerte con la poderosa energía de San Miguel Arcángel. Este taller de 3 horas te enseñará a romper hechizos, devolver la magia negativa y blindarte contra cualquier ataque energético.
San Miguel Arcángel es el protector celestial más poderoso, y en este taller descubrirás cómo trabajar con él de forma completa a través de rituales, fórmulas, invocaciones y códigos angelicales para transformarte y proteger tu vida.
02/08/2025 1:23 pm
Llegó el momento de descubrir los poderosos mensajes y señales que los ángeles nos envían para guiarnos en el amor. Los códigos angelicales son vibraciones sutiles que nos conectan con el universo y nos ayudan a manifestar una vida amorosa plena y armoniosa. Interpretar estos códigos especiales, cómo recibir sus mensajes y cómo puedes usarlos para atraer una relación más profunda, sanar heridas emocionales o fortalecer el amor propio. Además, es importante tener los números angelicales y los símbolos que los ángeles utilizan para comunicarse con nosotros, llenándonos de luz, protección y amor infinito.
12/28/2024 3:30 pm
Únete a nuestro evento exclusivo en vivo! Este taller no quedará grabado, pero tendrás la opción de rentarlo o comprarlo después del evento.
En esta poderosa sesión, aprenderás a despertar tu poder interior y manifestar la abundancia que tanto deseas para el 2025. Te guiaré a través de rituales transformadores que te ayudarán a liberar bloqueos, romper hechizos y atraer la energía positiva necesaria para iniciar el nuevo año de la mejor manera.
The classes are very interesting, the information you give, how you explain it and how you transmit the message is phenomenal, you are the best.
Luz Helena Noriega
This is my second consultation with you and once again your GIFT of clairvoyance and prediction of the future is IMPRESSIVE, which many say they have and few have: you do. You gave me all the details and concrete precisions of my future and the TIMES in which the events would take place. You are unique, for something you have the recognition of being the Number 1
Luz Helena Noriega
You are the best Deseret, thank you for opening our eyes and not allowing us to continue living in an illusion, I am part of the vip and the information you give us is shocking and very helpful for everyone.
Marcos Wolter
The classes are very interesting, the information you give, how you explain it and how you transmit the message is phenomenal, you are the best.
Luz Helena Noriega
This is my second consultation with you and once again your GIFT of clairvoyance and prediction of the future is IMPRESSIVE, which many say they have and few have: you do. You gave me all the details and concrete precisions of my future and the TIMES in which the events would take place. You are unique, for something you have the recognition of being the Number 1
Luz Helena Noriega
You are the best deseret, thank you for opening our eyes and not allowing us to continue living in an illusion, I am part of the vip and the information you give us is shocking and very helpful for everyone.
Marcos Wolter
Shop Our Favorite Products
Energy Wash Hex Breaker
Organic Herbs – Devil Shoe String
Energy Wash Unblock
Follow My Social Media @Deserettavares
¿Qué pasará antes de terminar el 2024? 🔮 Sé exclusivo y descúbrelo en nuestra web 💻✨ #Exclusivos #2024 #Deserettavares #parati #viral #findeaño ...
¡Está es la señal que buscabas para cambiar tu vida! 🙆🏻♀️ Límpiate de todas las malas energías antes de acabar el año ✨ e inicia 2025 más abundante que nunca 🤩 ¡Aprovecha hoy el #cybermonday 👏🏼 #viral #abundancia ...
Libérate del peso 🧘♀️💫: conecta contigo y transforma tu vida ✨ #conectacontigo #transformación #Deserettavares ...
¿Sabías que tienes el poder de escribir tu propia historia? ✨📖
#viral #vida #DeseretTavares #vida #manifestar
The Universe Aligned For Deseret Tavares
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