The Ascending Moon: Energy Renewal
The Ascending Moon: Energy Renewal The moon has been present in the eyes of humanity since before our existence, its glow illuminating the nights. Its cycles are intimately connect
The Presence of Angels is Your Life
The Presence of Angels is Your Life Cosmic energy has many ways of manifesting itself; we know its presence within the interpretable capacity of the senses and according to the cul
Archangel Michael. The Myth and The Presence
Archangel Michael. The Myth and The Presence One of the most important and interesting topics, especially because it invites us to reflect, especially in the Ancient Age of our cul
Angels, Always With Us
Angels, Always With Us Celestial beings are a creation of the eternal conscious and play a fundamental role in the manifestation of energy on a perceptible plane, since they play a
Arcana and Archangels
Arcana and Archangels Arcana, in the context of mystical apocryphal religions, refers to hidden or secret knowledge that is not in the public domain and is transmitted through esot
Connection Between Archangels and Chakras
Connection Between Archangels and Chakras The connection between archangels and chakras is a fascinating concept that links angelic energy with the energy centers of the human body
Signs That Indicate The Presence of an Angel
Signs That Indicate The Presence of an Angel The existence of angels, celestial beings that transcend the human, has fascinated humanity throughout the centuries. Detecting their p
From the Waxing Moon to the Full Moon
From the Waxing Moon to the Full Moon I wrote to you about the capacity of the moon and how it influences unconscious reality. Now, the lunar connection with the spiritual energy w
Let’s unite to heal together
Let’s unite to heal together In the course of current societal conditions, mutated viruses have been transmitted that greatly affect human health and their social environment. Th
The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy
The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy It has been present in humanity’s eyes since before its existence, its glow illuminating the nights. Its cycles are linked to the Sun, l