Signs That Indicate The Presence of an Angel
Signs That Indicate The Presence of an Angel The existence of angels, celestial beings that transcend the human, has fascinated humanity throughout the centuries. Detecting their p
From the Waxing Moon to the Full Moon
From the Waxing Moon to the Full Moon I wrote to you about the capacity of the moon and how it influences unconscious reality. Now, the lunar connection with the spiritual energy w
Let’s unite to heal together
Let’s unite to heal together In the course of current societal conditions, mutated viruses have been transmitted that greatly affect human health and their social environment. Th
The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy
The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy It has been present in humanity’s eyes since before its existence, its glow illuminating the nights. Its cycles are linked to the Sun, l
MOON OF ISIS ISIS QUEEN YOU ARE ISIS OF THE SKY Power of the Feminine In ancient Egypt, ISIS was the goddess of water, rebirth, comfort in the face of death, capable of bringing li
Law of Correspondence: Handle your problems in favor of your future
Law of Correspondence: Handle your problems in favor of your future “As Above, So Below”—correspondence is an essential element in understanding vital energy. This pr
You Attract What You Think. How to Cleanse the Subconscious with Mentalism
You Attract What You Think. How to Cleanse the Subconscious with Mentalism. Since ancient times, old cultures have proven that the hermetic principle of mentalism is part of the as
Unlocking the Mystical Power of Talismans: Your Guide to Spiritual Protection and Attraction
Unlocking the Mystical Power of Talismans: Your Guide to Spiritual Protection and Attraction Talismans have been revered across cultures and civilizations for centuries as powerful
Uncover the Meaning of Dreams: What is Your Subconscious Revealing
Uncover the Meaning of Dreams: What is Your Subconscious Revealing What Are Dreams and Why Are They So Important? Dreams have been a fascinating mystery for humanity since ancient
Revitalize Your Energy: Balance Your Chakras with Herbal Infusions
Revitalize Your Energy: Balance Your Chakras with Herbal Infusions In a world filled with stress and daily challenges, maintaining energy balance is essential for our well-being. T