Angels, Always With Us

Angels, Always With Us

Celestial beings are a creation of the eternal conscious and play a fundamental role in the manifestation of energy on a perceptible plane, since they play an organizational and functional role in creation and salvation. They are beings of both energy and matter, since their energetic charge responds to the force of material vibration, since they are creation and part at the same time of the force that created them.

Their role as intermediaries, guardians and witnesses of human life indicates that they act in a coordinated manner, forming part of a celestial system that is present in every aspect of the presence of the energy of the universe, since they are the perceptible condensation of the conscious energy that has created them, since at the same time that they are beings distinct from the whole, they are part of the whole, that is to say that their creation is a detachment of the energy that takes form to interact with humanity.

Their references are part of different cultures and they have been known as part of the stars, messengers of the Gods. One of these texts is the Gospel of Enoch, which also explores the interaction between angels and men. According to the text, angels are witnesses of human life and participate in the salvation of the righteous. This suggests that their organ is not only functional, but also moral and redemptive, helping to guide and protect the followers of God.

In the Gospel of Enoch, angels are considered supernatural creatures created by God to fulfill specific functions in the cosmos. One of their main functions is to watch over and guide human beings. According to the text, angels are stationed on earth as “watchmen,” fulfilling the role of sentinels who oversee human behavior and help maintain divine order in the world.

Furthermore, the text explores the history of the fallen angels, who intermarried with human women, giving birth to giants, which challenged the divine order and contributed to chaos and corruption on earth, leading God to decide on a universal flood to cleanse the earth of this corruption.

Furthermore, in other apocryphal gospels, angels are seen as intermediaries between God and humans, providing guidance and advice. For example, in the Gospel of Thomas, angels are mentioned as witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection, which helps establish their authenticity and significance within the biblical narrative.

In apocryphal sources, angels are depicted as beings of high morality and conduct, fulfilling roles as guardians, intermediaries, and witnesses of human life. According to the Gospel of Enoch, angels are described as watchful guardians who are stationed on earth to oversee and guide human beings, and they also help to fulfill divine desires and plans on earth. Furthermore, in other apocryphal gospels, angels are seen as intermediaries between God and human beings, providing guidance and counsel, which reinforces their role in the salvation and guidance of God’s followers.

Zoroastrian religion , angels are regarded as intermediary beings between good and evil, and are part of the dualistic system of Zoroastrianism. In this context, angels are depicted as guardians of justice and good, fighting against the forces of evil. This concept is based on the doctrine of the struggle between good and evil, which is central to Zoroastrianism, where good is represented by the supreme god, Ahura Mazda, and evil by Angra Mainyu .

Within our rational activity we have an image created by cultures of how beings of light look, but the senses are not capable of perceiving the presence of the universal spirit, which is why its presence goes unnoticed by those who are only aware of the sensations of the senses. We have to move away from the idea that the human being is merely sensitive only to perceptible reality.

There is an imperceptible reality and it is the one that is not in tangible reality, because it is always changing, it is part of a hemispheric chaos created by all the other interveners that cause, to a greater or lesser degree, the fine web that unites us all. That is why the role of the angels, the emissaries of consciousness, is that which is there to guide us, to feel us and to direct us within the chaos.

The notion of an imperceptible reality that you mention refers to aspects of existence that are not directly accessible through the senses or reason. This can include metaphysical or spiritual concepts or even dimensions of consciousness that are not manifest in tangible reality. The idea that this imperceptible reality is changing and part of a “hemispheric chaos” suggests a dynamic and complex view of the interaction between the visible and the invisible, the known and the unknown.

The role of the “angels” or “emissaries of consciousness” you describe resembles the function of spiritual guides or benevolent forces that help individuals navigate this chaos by providing guidance, support, and channeling. This view aligns with many spiritual and philosophical traditions that posit the existence of entities or principles that transcend everyday experience and can positively influence people’s lives.

There is no universally recognized ritual that is best for contacting angels, as spiritual and religious practices vary widely among different cultures and traditions. However, some people believe in specific methods for establishing a connection with angels. These methods may include meditation, prayer, visualization, automatic writing, or the use of symbolic objects such as candles, incense, or crystals.

For those seeking a ritual to contact angels, here are some general suggestions that can be adapted according to personal preferences and spiritual beliefs:

Preparation: Find a quiet, private place where you can be alone without interruptions. Make sure you are in a relaxed and receptive state of mind.

Meditation: Start with a meditation to calm your mind and open your heart. You can sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply, focusing on your breathing.

Calling on Angels: Visualize a pure white light surrounding and protecting you. Aloud or silently, ask for the presence of the angels. You can say something like, “Angels of divine light, I invite you into my space with love and respect. Please guide and protect me.”

Listen and Feel: Keep your mind open and receptive. Angels can communicate through sensations, intuitions, sudden thoughts, or even through external signs.

Gratitude: Express your gratitude for the presence and guidance of the angels. You can do this silently or out loud.

Closing: When you feel that the ritual has concluded, thank the angels again and bid them a respectful farewell. Then, open your eyes and take a few moments to reorient yourself before returning to your daily activities.

Remember that the effectiveness of any spiritual ritual depends largely on your faith, intention, and openness. There is no magic formula, and what works for one person may not work for another. Regular practice and sincerity in your search are key to establishing and maintaining a connection with angels or any other spiritual entity.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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