Connection Between Archangels and Chakras

Connection Between Archangels and Chakras

The connection between archangels and chakras is a fascinating concept that links angelic energy with the energy centers of the human body. This alignment allows for deep spiritual, emotional, and physical balance. Chakras are energy vortices located along the spine. Each chakra is associated with a color, element, organ, and specific emotion. When the chakras are balanced, vital energy flows freely, promoting health and happiness.

Each archangel vibrates at a specific frequency that corresponds to one or more chakras. By invoking an archangel, we can request their help to balance and activate the corresponding chakra, thus unblocking the flow of energy and healing the areas of our life associated with that chakra.

The connection between archangels and chakras is based on the idea that each archangel has a specific energetic vibration that can be aligned with that of a particular chakra to heal and strengthen it. For example, Archangel Michael, known for his protection and courage, can be called upon to work on the root chakra, strengthening our security and connection to the earth. Similarly, Archangel Raphael, associated with healing and compassion, can assist in opening and clearing the heart chakra, encouraging unconditional love and emotional healing.

By invoking the archangels to work on our chakras, we open the door to a deep healing process that allows us to release energetic blockages and negative patterns that hinder our personal growth. This practice not only promotes balance and harmony in our physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies but also connects us with our inner divinity and helps us remember our true essence.

Archangels are celestial beings who vibrate at specific frequencies and are associated with different aspects of human existence. Each archangel is linked to one or more chakras, meaning that by calling upon an archangel, we can request their assistance in balancing and activating the corresponding chakra. For example, Archangel Michael is linked to the throat chakra, which is associated with communication and expression. By calling upon Michael, we can work on unblocking this chakra and improving our ability to communicate clearly and authentically.

Chakras are energy vortices located along the spine, each associated with a specific color, element, organ, and emotion. From the root chakra at the base of the spine to the crown chakra at the top of the head, these energy centers play a crucial role in our holistic well-being. When the chakras are balanced, vital energy flows freely through them, promoting health and happiness in all aspects of our lives.

The manifestation of archangelic energy can vary in intensity and subtlety, depending on the archangel invoked and the individual sensitivity of each person. Some people may experience visions, physical sensations, or emotional changes when invoking an archangel, while for others the presence of these beings may manifest in a more subtle way, through signs or synchronicities in their environment.

Archangels and Their Corresponding Chakras

  • Root (Base): Michael – Security, stability, grounding.
  • Sacred: Chamuel – Creativity, sexuality, relationships.
  • Solar Plexus: Raphael – Personal power, self-esteem, will.
  • Heart: Chamuel – Unconditional love, compassion, unity.
  • Throat: Gabriel – Communication, expression, truth.
  • Third Eye: Jophiel – Intuition, wisdom, inner vision.
  • Crown: Metatron (sometimes associated with this chakra ) – Divine connection, enlightenment.

The connection between archangels and chakras offers a vast field of exploration. Let’s delve into some more specific techniques for each chakra and archangel:

Chakra and Archangel Michael

  • Meditation Technique: Visualize your roots growing into the center of the Earth, connecting with the energy of Mother Earth. Imagine Michael protecting you with his blue shield while anchoring yourself to reality.
  • Symbol: A six-pointed star or an anchor.
  • Crystal: Hematite or red jasper.
  • Mantra: “I am secure, stable and grounded.”

Sacral Chakra and Archangel Chamuel

  • Meditation Technique: Visualize a warm orange sun shining on your sacral chakra . Call upon Chamuel to help you release any blockages to your creativity and sexuality.
  • Symbol: A chalice or an orange lotus flower.
  • Crystal: Carnelian or amber.
  • Mantra: “I embrace my creative power and my sensuality.”

Chakra and Archangel Raphael

  • Meditation Technique: Imagine a golden yellow sun shining on your solar plexus. Ask Raphael to help you strengthen your will and self-esteem.
  • Symbol: A sun or a lion.
  • Crystal: Citrine or amber.
  • Mantra: “I am strong, capable and worthy of love.”

Heart Chakra and Archangel Chamuel

  • Meditation Technique: Visualize a radiant emerald green heart in the center of your chest. Call upon Chamuel to help you heal your emotional wounds and open yourself to unconditional love.
  • Symbol: A green heart or an angel.
  • Crystal: Rose quartz or green aventurine .
  • Mantra: “I love and am loved unconditionally.”

Chakra and Archangel Gabriel

  • Meditation Technique: Visualize a clear blue sky and a beautiful lily flower at your throat. Ask Gabriel to help you express your truth with clarity and confidence.
  • Symbol: A bell or a fleur-de-lis.
  • Crystal: Aquamarine or turquoise.
  • Mantra: “I express myself with clarity and confidence.”

Third Eye and Archangel Jophiel

  • Symbol: An eye inside a triangle or a six-pointed star.
  • Crystal: Amethyst or lapis lazuli.
  • Mantra: “I trust my intuition and inner wisdom.”

The manifestation of archangelic energy can be subtle or overt and varies depending on the archangel invoked and your own sensitivity. The connection between archangels and chakras is a fascinating topic that has gained popularity in the spiritual and holistic healing realm. This association between angelic energies and the energy centers of the human body offers a unique perspective on how we can achieve deep balance on a spiritual, emotional and physical level.

The connection between the archangels and the chakras provides us with a powerful tool to heal and balance our being on all levels. By using this alignment between angelic energies and the energetic centers of the body, we can unblock the flow of vital energy, promoting harmony and well-being in all areas of our lives. Invoking the archangels to work on our chakras is a deeply transformative practice that allows us to advance on our path of spiritual growth and self-realization.



Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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