The Presence of Angels is Your Life

The Presence of Angels is Your Life

Cosmic energy has many ways of manifesting itself; we know its presence within the interpretable capacity of the senses and according to the cultural conceptions on which we base our interpretation of the forms that are presented to us.

Within different cultures there are cultural representations of the same energetic forms that we can interpret within the main religious conceptions, they accept the idea of these beings as intermediaries between spirituality and humanity, describes the book Angels for Beginners, by Richard Webster.

The image that we can generally know belongs to a Catholic iconography that comes from recent times when transforming with the Greek and Roman figures, to images mainly mentioned that, in Greece, two winged figures inspired the angels in art: Eros and Nike. In mythology, Eros (who is also known as Cupid) is the son of Aphrodite and the god of love. In the art of the classical period (510 BC-323 BC), Eros was represented as a teenager with large wings.

Medieval artists adopted the Byzantine interpretation of angels, incorporating them into their paintings against gilded backgrounds. These winged beings are often depicted flying in the background of scenes featuring holy figures, such as the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ in Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano ‘s Madonna and Child with Angels.

That is to say, the widespread image of angels comes from art, rather than a description of their true presence, since images within the dimension of vibration are difficult to explain or represent on a sheet of paper, since with the limited means we have, it is difficult to represent a divine presence.

Now it is undeniable that divine representations are presented within our reality, that is to say that you would not have the inspiration or the knowledge of the presence of angels within the necessary conditions. That is to say that the iconography and the stories give an account of the events in which they have been presented to us since if the representation did not exist, the event that inspired it would not exist either.

The presence of angels among us is therefore a reciprocal energetic relationship, where their influence as guardians, messengers or intercessors before the omnipotent divine consciousness has always been present within every aspect of life without us being able to perceive it in a tangible way. From the beginning of our earthly existence, we have been entrusted with the care and protection of the guardian angel, guardian angel or light of protection.

Fravashi is the Avestan term for the Zoroastrian concept of an individual’s personal spirit, whether dead, alive or yet unborn. Chabad believes that people could have guardian angels. For Chabad , God watches over people and makes decisions directly with their prayers and it is in this context that guardian angels are sent back and forth as emissaries to assist in this task. In medieval Christianity, pregnant women and newborns were given text amulets with the names of the angels Senoi , Sansenoi and Semangelof . These angels were supposed to protect pregnant women and newborn children from Lilith. This goes back to the story of Lilith, in which God sends three angels to bring Lilith back to Adam.

The guardian angel is one and all at the same time, because the mission of this angel is to warn you, guide you in your decisions and be the intercessor between the other angels like Michael or Raphael. The impressive presence of this angel in our life also implies the constant presence of God in our life.

It is necessary to prove ENOCH’s perception of the Guardians. They are creation and creator at the same time, that is to say that the presence of divine energy does not come from its creator, but at the same time it is an independent power with a determined mission. That is to say that the Guardian Angel, in all his manifestations and rites, represents the presence of celestial energy every day of our lives.

It is a different energy from that of the soul, despite the fact that they come from the same creator, our soul is independent and belongs to us, it returns to God and is illuminated by the source of its creation, for this reason we have been entrusted with its custody to an angel who allows us to recharge the light within us, preventing that independent energy from being lost within on the path of destiny and returning safely from the judgment of purgatory.

The guardian angel is the angel that is always with us, and therefore the celestial energy that is always present within intuition or direct perceptions within our body. Connecting with your guardian angel is the simplest way to start a permanent energetic channel of celestial benevolence, since its presence is the direct connection with everything, since it is part of everything.

Starting a connection with your guardian angel is very simple, you just need to silence all negative thoughts, where your mind moves away from tangible reality, the inner voice is waiting for you and always speaks to you. To do this, you can help your body release energy and open the channel that allows you to hear the inner voice.

A ritual can help you free your mind from thoughts and your body from stimuli. At night, in the darkness, take a white cloth to cover your head. The cloth should be thick enough to prevent light from passing through. Pour a few drops of sandalwood essential oils into a bowl of cold water.

Sit in the dark and place the white cloth, slightly dampened, over your eyes and concentrate on your thoughts. Breathe and imagine that each thought and situation is in a picture that is being dissolved in water. One by one you will dissolve the thought in the same container of water.

Repeat, moistening the cloth, as if the cloth were absorbing the photo already cleaned in the water with sandalwood, so your thoughts become silent and little by little your ears are freeing themselves from the pressure that you have put on them by being exposed to all the noise of reality. And when you feel ready, clear, leave the wet cloth over your eyes , your mind silenced and your body calm, you experience the voice that comes from within but it is someone else who is speaking. Do not respond, do not think, do not be surprised, just keep breathing calmly.

What you hear may not be what you want to hear, because your guardian angel knows everything about you, you have no secrets from him, because he has known you since your soul was part of the whole. He may also reflect on your actions and have much to tell you. He has always been with you and is independent enough to reason outside of your thoughts and beliefs. But listen, listen carefully, your angel is always right.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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