Power of the Feminine

In ancient Egypt, ISIS was the goddess of water, rebirth, and comfort from the pain of death. She had the power to restore life and embody compassion. Her myth places her alongside Osiris, who, after being dismembered by Seth and during her mourning for his departure, was revived by her to conceive Horus. After that, Osiris returned to Duat, the land of the dead. From her breast, the deity who nourished the pharaohs was born—pharaohs who were both human and divine.

Her devotion as a mother turns the mundane into the sacred. Her image, revered in both the ancient and new kingdoms, and even during the Ptolemaic dynasty, transcended and spread her influence across various theological interpretations, as the mother of the chosen one, the one destined to reign.

This Egyptian divinity with so many names appears as the principle of natural fertility in nearly all the religions of the ancient world. She was known as the goddess of ten thousand names, and Christianity transformed her into the Virgin Mary. Even though ISIS had given birth to all living things—the most important being the Sun—she remained a virgin, according to stories that say Horus was conceived through the return of the breath of life.

The representations of the queen mother as the source that nourishes earthly life support us in difficult times, comforting us in sorrow. They are linked to the intimacy of the night, where we seek solace in rest and inspiration in dreams. Her presence in our lives renews the vital energy we need each day to rise from the Duat with her divine breath.

The perfect moment to connect with the mother of all human descent, the one who makes men divine, is during the new moon. Her plea in the dark night renews our vital energy and comforts us when we face situations that cloud our thoughts or disturb our hope in the strength of the soul.

Thinking of ISIS, the Moon as a mother, from whose strength we draw our certainty about the future, reminds us that spiritual strength is like the strength of a mother. She supports her child with the calm of the night and the fresh nocturnal air. This strength also aligns with the infinite power of a mother who struggles in an odyssey so that her child can reign between Earth and sky.

Similarly, cosmic forces connect us to the moon. We are all “lunatics,” influenced by the forces that teach us through trials, just as a mother corrects her child with severity, firmness, and love. When she sees her child lost and in despair, she searches for them, and no force in nature can stop her from finding her child to offer comfort and revitalize their spirit so they can continue.

Throughout history, the feminine position within the celestial pantheon of gods has mirrored women’s capacity to maintain emotional balance. Femininity in the universe is mirrored in our spiritual lives. Feelings of pain and anguish always seek the mother’s calm. She is the one who redeems us, forgives, and encourages us to continue with life, nourished by the energy of her bosom. At the same time, when our behavior deviates from intuition, these are like sensitive warnings about the future. Our celestial mother corrects us so we can hear her call to return to the path.

Opening our senses to a connection with our mother gives us a sense of direction on our path and the perfect conviction that our lives are on the road she desires. This universal consciousness wants the best for us, just as a mother who corrects and advises her children seeks to make them heirs to the greatest treasures. She desires joy, wealth, prosperity, and legacy for her children.

Not all human beings can attend to this connection within the spiritual plane. Some remain outside divine consciousness, suffering and weeping in the valley of tears. The divine consciousness, both father and mother, embraces us when we repent, understanding that suffering was a lesson and that the reward always awaits behind the rainbow.

We cannot expect to be the chosen ones in the universe. But we must always be aware that, as children of light, descendants of the universe, heirs of the divine kingdom, or simply brothers with the cosmos, our consciousness can engage in a conversation with our astral mother through introspection and the internal sense of conception. Elevating this primordial sense, like the maternal instinct of protection—the instinct of the child for its mother—is key.

In this context, floral fragrances, such as lilies or those that inspire deep feelings—like rose, jasmine, lily, violet, or tuberose—are essences that can elevate us during deep meditation. Breathing in these aromas and immersing ourselves in the sensations they evoke, with only one image in our mind—the waxing moon—will revive our bond with the universal mother.

Meditating in silence under the direct light of the moon, especially on the day of the new moon, will connect us to our mother. She will appear in the way we most recognize her in our minds, and her voice will be clear, her thoughts lucid, like the light of the moon that illuminates us.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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