Power of the Feminine
In ancient Egypt, ISIS was the goddess of water, rebirth, comfort in the face of death, capable of bringing life back and embodying compassion. Her myth places her beside Osiris, who, after being dismembered by SETH, was revived by her despite the pain of his departure. This resurrection allowed her to conceive HORUS, after which Osiris returned to the Duat, the land of the dead. From her breast, the deity who nourished the pharaohs was fed, as they were both human and divine.
The devotion to her motherhood transformed the mundane into the sacred, and her image was venerated in both the Old and New Kingdoms, even during the Ptolemaic dynasty. Her influence transcended and spread across different theological interpretations as the mother of the chosen one, the one destined to reign.
This Egyptian deity, known by many names, appeared as the principle of natural fertility in almost all ancient world religions. She was known as the goddess of ten thousand names, and Christianity metamorphosed her into the Virgin Mary. Despite having given birth to all living things—the most prominent among them being the Sun—Isis remained a virgin, according to myths that claim HORUS was conceived by the return of the breath of life.
The depictions of the queen mother, as the source that nourishes life on earth, support us in difficult circumstances and comfort us in sorrow. She is linked to the intimacy of the night, where we seek rest and inspiration through dreams. Her presence renews the vital energy we need each day to rise from the Duat with her divine breath.
The perfect moment to connect with the mother of all humanity, the one who makes men divine, is during the new moon. Her supplication in the dark night renews our vital energy, especially if we face situations that cloud our thoughts or disturb our hope in the strength of the soul.
To think of ISIS, to think of the Moon as a mother, is to rest in the certainty of a future rooted in her strength. Spiritual power is the power of a mother who, in aiding her child, does so with the calm of the night and the fresh night air. Her strength mirrors that of a mother fighting an odyssey to ensure her child reigns between earth and sky.
Similarly, the forces of cosmic nature connect us to the moon. We are all “lunatics,” influenced by forces that teach us through their trials, much like a mother who corrects her child with severity, firmness, and love. When her child is lost and inconsolable, she seeks them out to provide comfort, and no force in nature can stop her from finding and revitalizing her child’s spirit.
Historically, the feminine position within the celestial plenary of gods has reflected women’s capacity to balance emotions. Femininity in the universe is equal to that in our spiritual lives. When feelings of pain and anguish seek the calm of the mother, she redeems, forgives, and encourages us to continue with life, nourished by her energy. When our behavior goes against intuition, these are sensitive warnings about the future, and our celestial mother corrects us to bring us back to the right path.
Opening our senses in connection with our mother gives us a sense of direction, and we feel perfectly convinced that our lives are on the path she desires for us. This universal consciousness wants the best for us, just as a mother corrects and advises, seeking to make us heirs of the greatest treasures. She desires joy, wealth, prosperity, and legacy for her children.
Not all human beings can connect with this spiritual plane, nor can they willingly remain outside of divine consciousness, suffering and crying in the valley of tears. The divine consciousness, both father and mother, welcomes us when we repent, always reminding us that the suffering was a lesson and the reward awaits behind the rainbow.
We may not always expect to be the chosen one within the universe, but we must remain aware that, as children of the light, descendants of the cosmos, and heirs to the divine kingdom, we are brothers with the cosmos. Our consciousness can establish a conversation with our astral mother through introspection and the inner sense of conception.
Elevating this primal sense, the maternal sense of protection, and the child’s instinct toward their mother brings us into harmony. Floral scents like lilies, or compositions like roses, jasmine, lily, violet, or tuberose, can elevate us in deep meditation. The inhalation of these aromas within the sensations they evoke, along with the image of the waxing moon in our minds, reanimates our bond with the universal mother.
Meditating in silence under the direct light of the moon, especially on the day of the new moon, will connect us to our mother. She will reveal herself in the form we recognize most in our minds, and her voice will be clear and her thoughts lucid, just like the moonlight that illuminates us.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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