The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy

The Ascending Moon: Renewal of Energy

It has been present in humanity’s eyes since before its existence, its glow illuminating the nights. Its cycles are linked to the Sun, like two lovers who cannot meet, with the Earth as their garden of encounter. The moon has been depicted as the mystical mother, the feminine presence in the sky under a creator’s chalice, from which the light of her illumination flows. Her influence in renewal is an image kept within us, with the same intimacy as the night.

This mystical image of the moon as a mother, creator, and renewer corresponds to her regular phases and cycles in the sky. After a moon that disappears, it renews itself after the day ends. Just as her energetic and gravitational influence has affected the cycles of life on Earth, which are measured by the perpendicularity of her position in the sky, that is, the equinoxes. The moon has governed our vital cycles, where our energy changes and transforms, diminishes, and renews as the moon affects our mood and even the way we process the experience of each day.

The presence of the Moon was useful as a guide to know when it would light our path, but also to warn of the possible difficulties we might encounter on our journey, or when to sow crops or cut trees so that the sap would be in the ground and not in the branches. Our energy can be renewed to focus on achieving our goals or recharge our plans or projects with maximum spirit.

This energetic symbiosis, which maintains the influence between electromagnetic force and gravity, known as gravitomagnetism, is the branch of physics that questions how time has been perceived and measured. Quantum physics has measured the influence of gravitational and electromagnetic forces on a universal level. We are part of that astral system of balance, and the moon is a celestial body linked to Earth that can help us connect energetically. It can be our star of connection for the renewal of projects or for embarking on a new way of life, related to how the moon’s gravity affects our energy based on its movements in relation to Earth.

Since the Moon’s orbit is elliptical, it can be between 356,398 and 406,698 kilometers from Earth. This orbital pattern also means we can only see one side of the Moon. It takes 27.3 days for the Moon to orbit Earth, but Earth and the Moon revolve around the Sun at different speeds; the Moon actually takes 25 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 28 seconds to complete one orbit of the Earth, a new moon. Earth, on the other hand, does so every 24 hours, but there was a time when Earth spun so fast that a day lasted just 5 hours. Since its formation, the gravitational pull of the Moon has slowed Earth’s rotation over billions of years. Thus, the planet’s rhythm has been marked by its satellite.

Since the collision that created the Moon, Earth’s axis has been tilted, spinning at a constant angle of 23 degrees, allowing variations in sunlight, seasons, climate stability, and therefore the cycle of life. The Moon is in synchronous relation with Earth, always showing the same face toward the planet.

Astronomically, the spring equinox is a moment of balance, with Earth’s axis neither tilting toward nor away from the Sun, resulting in an equal distribution of sunlight between both hemispheres. This event is one of the four cardinal points of the solar cycle, along with the autumn equinox and the summer and winter solstices.

Equinoxes occur when the Sun is at the first point of Aries or the first point of Libra. The first is the celestial equator point where the Sun, in its apparent annual movement along the ecliptic, moves from south to north relative to the equatorial plane, and its declination shifts from negative to positive. In the first point of Libra, the opposite happens: the Sun appears to move from north to south of the celestial equator, and its declination changes from positive to negative, according to its mathematical interpretation within a Cartesian framework placing Earth’s center at point zero.

In reality, neither equinox lies within the constellation that names it, due to precession: the first point of Aries is in Pisces, and the first point of Libra is in Virgo. The equatorial coordinates of each equinox are: a) for the vernal equinox, zero right ascension and zero declination; b) for the first point of Libra, twelve hours right ascension and zero declination.

This equatorial synchronization in relation to the moon’s movements are the moments when we can perform moon bath rituals with positive energy essences. In the ascending path of Pisces and descending of Virgo, the spectral energy that runs through the body aligns with the Earth, making it a time to ask the universe for advice, knowledge, or wisdom. The light that the moon brings to Perigee will anchor your energy with the moon, rapidly ascending.

Now, in the process of apogee, the moon’s farthest point in orbit, during the autumn equinox, the descending energy flow becomes one of release, where the rituals and flows of the universe allow us to cleanse the body of spiritual heaviness and prepare to let go of worries. It is also a special time for meditation and introspection. This descending flow toward apogee takes your spirit to the universe, a process of rebirth of vital energy leading you to the peak of your capacity.

Just as the moon carries a continuous cycle of rebirth, connecting with the lunar cycle will guide you toward the ascent in your projects, and for that, you must maintain the same recurring constancy within the cycle.

To do this, choose one of the solstices. On this date, prepare your meditation elements, and for 12 days, keep your meditation focused solely on the goal. Afterward, you’ll need 8 or 9 days of preparation for the waxing moon. In this period of body and mind preparation, consume sugars and legumes. During the 9 moons of preparation, think of all the options and scenarios necessary to achieve your goal. I recommend writing them down in a notebook, which you’ll carry with you between 7 and 9 at night.

On the day of the waxing moon, you will feel very cold because your back must be uncovered, and your body, exposed to the moonlight, will shine. During each of the remaining 15 days leading to the new moon, you will set the goal you aim for, and each day you will imagine one of the scenarios. Ensure not to make the meditation session last more than an hour; rest, for in your dreams, the answer you seek will be revealed and connect all the ideas in your mind.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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