The Law of Correspondence: Handle Your Problems in Favor of Your Future

The Law of Correspondence: Handle Your Problems in Favor of Your Future

“As Above, So Below” — correspondence is an essential element in understanding vital energy. This precise concept corresponds to a fundamental part of ancient Egyptian tablets, as it was part of the mummification rites. Within the energetic structure, its representation is Amber or the Celestial Chakra, located between the back and the heart.

Archaeologists have discovered offering tablets dedicated to the seven sacred essences used by the pharaohs in ancient Egypt. In tablets found in two tombs in Saqqara, dating back to the Old Kingdom and made from the finest alabaster, the names of the seven sacred essences were inscribed in hieroglyphic characters, each essence placed in seven small hollows intended to contain them. These seven essences were used by priests and priestesses in daily temple rituals for purification and other ceremonies, and they were also a part of the daily life of the Egyptian people. The sacred essences are ancient wisdom from Egyptian healing schools that help balance the body, mind, and spirit.

The meaning of correspondence, whose expressions are as universal as the law of gravity, teaches us that nature is always in balance or tends toward it. That is, with every action or thought, you leave a mark that adds or subtracts from the scales of Osiris — those scales where your heart is weighed against a feather.

This principle attempts to summarize and simplify the essence of this hermetic concept so that we can better understand how destiny functions and what steps we must take toward the reality that has been assigned to us.

The purpose of destiny is to show us the path that will lead us to fulfill the mission given to us in the river of life. For that, it is useful to orient ourselves when we feel overwhelmed by difficulties or lose ourselves in the fog of consciousness, not knowing what will become of our future. Correspondence helps us understand that every difficulty is a lesson because the universal consciousness wants the best for us, and thus, there are moments of learning.

This principle refers to the similarity or harmony between the various vibratory planes of the universe. The same laws that govern the dense also govern the subtle, and vice versa. The Principle of Correspondence operates by grouping like with like through vibratory frequency tuning and explains the constant relationship between internal and external events. There is a reciprocal influence between human beings and nature, as well as between our internal world and our material reality. By working on our external reality, we influence our inner world, and vice versa.

This explains why the consequences of our actions occur to balance or compensate for the good or bad things that happen to us daily, like a butterfly effect that moves back and forth with rhythm and frequency within the energetic echo of the universe around us. However, the pendulum of compensation is merely a sign on the path of destiny because the universal mind is wise enough to prepare us.

You must understand that nothing will be given to you without first compensating for what you are about to receive. This means that destiny is the journey, and compensation is the toll for crossing from one state or situation to another. Having learned, you must release in order to advance. This happens when your mind is conscious of when to take the next step and what the price will be. The first step toward advancement is knowing that everything has a cost, and the greater the dream, the more you must contribute to the universal energy to achieve it.

Riches are not only material; luxuries are rewards. Just like the hand of Charlemagne, which will be empty when it no longer has the strength to hold, or the treasure of King Solomon, but the effort and passion for what excites you may be the compensation for your success. Getting up early to run because you want to be the best athlete in the world, or simply training your mind when you want to know more, is an example of the positive balance of the scales. If destiny has given you little, and you have been faithful, adding wealth to what you have been entrusted with, the energy will give you more. But if you only complain without having a purpose or a clear goal, being selfish and lazy with what has been given to you, it will be taken away.

Offering yourself to destiny and being aware that every present difficulty is a lesson that announces more problems to come. If you solve a small one and don’t let it grow inside, weighing down your heart, when you face the real challenges of your life, the balance of the scales will always be in favor of the feather, and you will pass the test.

The best offering you can give to destiny is keeping the scales in your favor. This internal feeling of equity is achieved by letting go of assumptions that surround thoughts when a problem keeps spinning in your mind. Staying in a state of constant alert wears out the body and makes us sick, as it triggers the primitive defense instinct. That’s why we are often in a bad mood and react violently at the slightest disagreement.

The conscious mind conducts its analyses based on experiences stored within mental synapses. Humans tend to suppress bad moments and store them inside, creating feelings of vulnerability or being attacked. So, when a problem arises, whether simple or complex, the mind searches through these mental synapses, awakening that primitive alert state rooted in vulnerability, preventing us from seeing the real picture clearly and disconnecting us from the eternal wisdom of the universe.

Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.

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Deseret Tavares

Tarot Card, Crystal Ball and Mirror readings.




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